Grade 11 Course Descriptions and Pre-Requisites
All courses are listed in alphabetical order and may be offered on a rotation as indicated by a star. Questions can be directed to
Career & Work Exploration 20
No pre-requisite required
This program provides students with an opportunity to experience the “real” world of work and gain an understanding of the skills, responsibilities and attitude required within the workplace. CWEX helps students to explore occupations of interest, encourage future plans/education, job references and possible future employment. This program builds community connections and truly engages students in a practical way that will empower and equip students for lifelong learning. (50 – 70 hours)
Choral 20
No pre-requisite required
The specific aim of the choral program is to enable students to experience the joy of singing and to understand and value a variety of musical expressions throughout life. By participating in the choral program, students will: acquire the skills, abilities, understandings and attitudes necessary to express themselves vocally as individual singers and as members of a choral ensemble; judge music from both producer and consumer perspectives; and value and appreciate music from a variety of cultural and historical contexts. Students also have the opportunity of working with fantastic clinicians in local festivals in Regina and Moose Jaw, along with many performance opportunities throughout the year. The CCS choirs have had the joy of working with such renowned people and groups such as the Tenors, Tenore, and David Wise.
Christian Ethics 20
Pre-requisite: CE 10 is suggested; however, transfer students will be placed in the CE class that corresponds to their overall grade level
The aim of Christian Ethics is for students to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills/abilities, and values of Christianity so that they are encouraged to live as followers of Jesus Christ. This class will focus on the life of Jesus and the evidence that he lived, died, and rose again. Students will look at the scientific, archeological, medical, astronomical and literary evidence that the Bible is the truly inspired word of God. They will appreciate scripture as the story of the Christian community, have knowledge of the Christian understanding of Jesus, realize that the Christian message calls us to serve as Jesus did, appreciate the impact that one's values and decisions make on the lives of oneself and others, and cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus.
Drama 20
No prerequisite required.
In Drama 20, students use storytelling and various genres, styles, theatre traditions and performance practices to express their ideas and build a play, incorporating artistic and technical components. Students learn through active participation, how drama is influenced by social, cultural, environmental, and personal contexts, and examine how Indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing, including local cultural knowledge, impact the creation of dramatic work. Students experiment with ways that diverse perspectives can be expressed through drama and respond thoughtfully to their own and others’ work. They investigate specific aspects of working in theatre and/or film, including performance and career opportunities in Saskatchewan.
English Language Arts 20
Pre-requisites: ELA A or B 10
ELA 20 is an exploration of Childhood. Through various types of literature, media etc. students will examine how joys and challenges, family structure and societal structures impact childhood. Students will better understand how past impacts present and guides the future. Students will have opportunities to create various responses to the theme through world and biblical viewpoints.
English Language Arts 21
Pre-requisite: ELA A11 or A10 and ELA B11 or B10
ELA 21 is the modified ELA 20 course. The English Language Arts 21 course is intended for students who are unable to complete regular English Language Arts 20 course. Students who are eligible for a modified English language arts course may have receptive/ comprehension (viewing, listening, and reading) and expressive/ communication (speaking, writing, and using other forms of representing) difficulties. Modified courses shall only be approved in consultation with the student support teacher and administration as specific criteria must be met for this type of programming. Modified course content is delivered inclusively within the regular ELA classroom whenever possible.
Food Studies 20
No prerequisite required
This course provides students with opportunities to apply techniques to prepare more complex recipes. Students will also begin to analyze food-related topics such as food scarcity, cultural food practices and food preservation.
Food Studies 30
No prerequisite required
This course provides students with opportunities to further develop understanding and skills in food preparation, nutrition, food psychology, and food systems.
Foundations of Mathematics 20
Pre-requisite: Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10
Learners will study properties of angles and triangles and will learn to solve oblique triangles. We will also look at systems of linear inequalities and quadratic equations. Studying math improves logical reasoning, abstract thinking and reasoning, critical thinking, and system manipulation; these skills are often required by and ensure success in post-secondary institutions.
Health Science 20
Pre-requisite: Science 10
This course will explore the basic anatomy and physiology of the human body along with normal and abnormal functioning of various body systems, including the role that nutrition and metabolism play. You will also study the tools and techniques used to diagnose those systems. This course will challenge you to look at the health science field from a variety of perspectives and to examine medical knowledge systems and ethics.
Health Science 21
Pre-requisite: Science 10 or Science 11
Health Science 21 is the modified Health Science 20 course. Health Science 21 is intended for students who are unable to complete regular Health Science 20. Modified courses shall only be approved in consultation with the student support teacher and administration as specific criteria must be met for this type of programming. Modified course content is delivered inclusively within the regular science classroom.
*Information Processing 20
No pre-requisite required. Offered on rotation.
Info Pro 20 focuses on eight areas in a professional context: task management, digital citizenship and law, word processing, computer technology, spreadsheets, databases, photography and video production, and design, drawing and painting. Using a variety of technological tools and platforms, students will deepen their understanding of information processing to communicate, solve problems, and create products in a digital world. This course provides opportunities for practical project-based learning that can be used in personal and professional applications.
Mathematics 21
Pre-requisite: one of Math 11, Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 10, OR Foundations 10
Math 21 is the Grade 11 modified math course. This course builds on the content covered in Math 11. Emphasis is placed on making informed decisions about finances, home design and maintenance, recreation and personal wellness, and travel and transportation. Students can draw on their own or others experiences in the workforce to develop and extend their knowledge about earning and spending money. They will also apply mathematics for the purpose of designing, building, and maintaining a home and yard. Students will apply reasoning and problem solving skills to make predictions and decisions in recreational and wellness activities. As well, they will investigate and solve problems related to planning a trip. Modified courses shall only be approved in consultation with the student support teacher and administration as specific criteria must be met for this type of programming. Modified course content is delivered inclusively within the regular math classroom whenever possible.
Music 20
No pre-requisite required. Offered on rotation.
Music 20 provides students with opportunities to perform, improvise, compose, research and experience music through one or more learning contexts or approaches (e.g., contemporary music, guitar, First Nations drumming and singing, small instrumental and vocal ensembles, world music, Métis music, creative technologies). In Music 20, students apply, with guidance, techniques (i.e., instrumental, vocal or creative technologies) and knowledge of the elements of music to solo and/or ensemble performances. Through participation in one or more music contexts (e.g., garage band, Métis fiddle group, techno DJ collaboration, acapella quartet), students create and perform, applying increased levels of music theory and cultural or performance practices. Students consider how personal preference impacts critical analysis, examine the diverse music of Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis peoples as well as music from different eras, genres and styles through listening, researching and performing within the selected music context. Students critique their own music and formulate a plan for growth and ongoing participation in music.
*Physical Education 20
No pre-requisite required. 2 year rotation. $25 fee applies to course- ex: Yara center, tennis courts, swimming, spin, transportation.
In PE 20, students will continue to develop their understanding of physical literacy. Students will explore health- and skill-related fitness through a variety indoor and outdoor physical activities. They will investigate how nutrition, mental health and a physically active lifestyle support personal well-being, will engage in service learning and explore topics of personal interest relevant to PE 20. The student’s goals in this class will be to develop positive attitudes towards exercise and physical fitness and to continuously apply this knowledge to everyday life. This class focuses on learning more about specific activities and how to apply them for a healthier lifestyle. Some of the activities include volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, tennis, golf, canoeing, pickleball, softball, and weight training.
Physical Science 20
Pre-requisite: Science 10
This course combines chemistry and physics in an integrated manner to investigate concepts related to heating and cooling, the foundations of chemistry, including the mole and analysis of molecules and chemical reactions, and the characteristics and properties of waves and lenses.
Physical Science 21
Pre-requisite: Science 10 or Science 11
Physical Science 21 is the modified Physical Science 20 course. Physical Science 21 is intended for students who are unable to complete regular Physical Science 20. Modified courses shall only be approved in consultation with the student support teacher and administration as specific criteria must be met for this type of programming. Modified course content is delivered inclusively within the regular science classroom.
Practical & Applied Arts A20 - Construction, Electrical, Robotics
No pre-requisite required
This is a survey class and students will complete modules relating to construction, electrical, and robotics.
Construction will expose students to the processes and skills needed to construct a typical residential dwelling as well as explore some of the many skilled trades careers associated with residential construction. Robotics focus on the design, construction, operation, and use of autonomous and/or radio-controlled robotic devices, as well as the computer systems necessary for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. Students will explore the processes and skills needed to design and fabricate physical devices that they will control or automate. Electrical will help students to construct knowledge and develop skills used in the electrical and electronics industries and to become familiar with relevant career opportunities. Areas of Focus may include electrical principles and components; wiring, measuring and troubleshooting circuits and components; construction drawings and schematic diagrams; residential wiring and lighting; commercial and industrial wiring; electronic components; digital and analog concepts; and tool use, safety and environmental considerations.
Pre-Calculus 20
Pre-requisite: Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10
Learners will refine the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills required by post-secondary programs that further dive into theoretical calculus. Learners are equipped with a high level understanding of absolute value, radicals, trigonometry, rational expressions and equations, factoring, quadratic functions, quadratic equations, linear and quadratic inequalities, sequences and series, and reciprocal functions.
*Psychology 20
Pre-requisite: student must be in grade 11 or 12. 2 year rotation.
This course deals with many different aspects of psychology, and often is seen as an overview and an introduction to the world of psychology in general. Why do people behave the way they do? This is the central question behind this psychology course. Students cover several of the prominent perspectives that attempt to explain behaviour, as well as the science behind studying people. There is an emphasis on social psychology in the 20-level course. Social psychology is a discipline that uses scientific methods "to understand and explain how the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of other human beings."
*Visual Art 20
No pre-requisite required. Offered on rotation.
Whether it’s the design of a new coffee shop, the latest video game or a 20-foot mural, art is all around us. In this class we will explore art inspiration, media, pop culture and other fascinating topics. This class will include water colour painting, photography and mixed media. Students of all abilities are welcome in this class. Unleash your creativity!
Wildlife and Habitat Studies 20
$200 fee applies to take course – ex: fishing license, transportation, park fees, food and supplies for canoe trip
No pre-requisites required
*Students interested in taking Outdoor Education 30 in future years may want to consider taking Wildlife and Habitat Studies 20 as an introductory course.
This course introduces students to outdoor skills that enhance their ability to safely and sustainably pursue outdoor excursions, including camping, fishing, hunting and trapping. Students are also introduced to career opportunities related to the field of wildlife and habitat management.
Workplace & Apprenticeship Mathematics 20
Pre-requisite: Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 10. Offered as needed basis.
The Workplace & Apprenticeship Mathematics pathway focuses on the application of math concepts and skills to real-world contexts, enabling learners to make connections between school math and the workplace. This course and pathway may be suitable for students who plan to enter a trade, pursue post-secondary studies at a college, or enter the workforce directly after graduation from high school. Topics include: slope and trigonometry, three dimensional objects, graphing and financial math.