Academics Academic Overview
Grade 12

Grade 12 Course Descriptions and Pre-Requisites

All courses are listed in alphabetical order and may be offered on a rotation as indicated by a star. Questions can be directed to

Biology 30

Pre-requisite: Health Science 20

Biology 30 allows students to learn about the organization of life in all kingdoms, genetics, and the mechanisms of evolution.  Students will have the chance to explore both creation and evolution so that they can form an intelligent viewpoint on this topic.

Calculus 30

Pre-requisite: Pre-calculus 30

Learners will bring together knowledge from previous math courses and expand upon it in the discovery of derivatives and integrals. By the end of the course, learners will know how to determine derivatives of many kinds of functions and how use those calculations to solve “real world” problems that pertain to velocity, acceleration and optimization problems. They will also study the opposite function – integrals – and explore how they can be used to determine the area under or between curves. The course is a great preview for those that will be required to take a university-level calculus course; many engineering colleges require that this course be completed prior to entering.

Career & Work Exploration 30 

No pre-requisite required

This program provides students with an opportunity to experience the “real” world of work and gain an understanding of the skills, responsibilities and attitude required within the workplace. CWEX helps students to explore occupations of interest, encourage future plans/education, job references and possible future employment. This program builds community connections and truly engages students in a practical way that will empower and equip students for lifelong learning.  (70 - 75 hours)

 *Chemistry 30

Pre-requisite: Physical Science 20. 2 year rotation. 

A major focus of the course is the study of the role of chemical properties and bonds in determining what makes materials suitable for use in specific applications. Students will actively investigate the nature of equilibrium in chemical reactions. In electrochemistry, students explore oxidation-reduction reactions and the impact of electrochemistry on society and the environment. Other topics include organic compounds and acid-base chemistry.

Choral 30

No pre-requisite required

The specific aim of the choral program is to enable students to experience the joy of singing and to understand and value a variety of musical expressions throughout life. By participating in the choral program, students will: acquire the skills, abilities, understandings and attitudes necessary to express themselves vocally as individual singers and as members of a choral ensemble; judge music from both producer and consumer perspectives; and value and appreciate music from a variety of cultural and historical contexts. Students also have the opportunity of working with fantastic clinicians in local festivals in Regina and Moose Jaw, along with many performance opportunities throughout the year. The CCS choirs have had the joy of working with such renowned people and groups such as the Tenors, Tenore, and David Wise.

Christian Ethics 30

Pre-requisite: CE 20 is suggested; however, transfer students will be placed in the CE class that corresponds to their overall grade level

The aim of Christian Ethics is for students to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills/abilities, and values of Christianity so that they are encouraged to live as followers of Jesus Christ. In this course, students will appreciate how the Christian message guides our search for self-understanding; discover how Christianity gives meaning to life, death, and belief; understand relationships and commitments from a Christian perspective; and understand the contributions of various world religions and philosophies. This course includes study of classic Christian writings such as Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

Drama 30

No prerequisite required.

In Drama 30, students use world theatre traditions to inspire ideas for their own drama work. They experiment with contemporary theatre practices, genres and styles and explore a multiplicity of artistic voices and perspectives. They consider the purpose of theatre in societies and research contemporary and/or current theatre practices of First Nations, Inuit and Métis artists in Canada. Through active participation in drama work, students explore the role of theatre and artists as potential agents of social change. Students make directorial choices for a performance that demonstrates creativity and innovation and reflect on their decisions, the creative process and the impact of their work.

English Language Arts A30

Pre-requisite: ELA 20

ELA A30 is an exploration of Canadian perspectives and landscapes through Canadian literature and other texts.  Canadian Literature is studied thematically focusing on Canada and Canadian society. Themes include: Canada – Diverse Landscapes and Peoples; and Canada – Diverse Voices.

English Language Arts A31

Pre-requisite: ELA 20 or ELA 21

ELA A31 is the modified ELA A30 course. The English Language Arts A31 course is intended for students who are unable to complete regular English Language Arts A30 course. Students who are eligible for a modified English language arts course may have receptive/ comprehension (viewing, listening, and reading) and expressive/ communication (speaking, writing, and using other forms of representing) difficulties. Modified courses shall only be approved in consultation with the student support teacher and administration as specific criteria must be met for this type of programming. Modified course content is delivered inclusively within the regular ELA classroom whenever possible.   

English Language Arts B30

Pre-requisite: ELA 20

ELA B30 is an exploration of the themes of “Identity” and “Society” through international literature and other texts. This class emphasizes human concerns in a global society. It uses traditional and contemporary world literature to examine global issues and perspectives.

English Language Arts B31

Pre-requisite: ELA 20 or ELA 21

ELA B31 is the modified ELA B30 course. The English Language Arts B31 course is intended for students who are unable to complete regular English Language Arts B30 course. Students who are eligible for a modified English language arts course may have receptive/ comprehension (viewing, listening, and reading) and expressive/ communication (speaking, writing, and using other forms of representing) difficulties. Modified courses shall only be approved in consultation with the student support teacher and administration as specific criteria must be met for this type of programming. Modified course content is delivered inclusively within the regular ELA classroom whenever possible.   

*Entrepreneurship 30

No pre-requisite required. Offered on rotation. 

This course is open to grade 10, 11, and 12 students. The aim of Entrepreneurship 30 is to provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge and develop skills necessary to plan and begin a venture and to appreciate the role that entrepreneurs play in our society and economy. It is a class where students develop and run their own business. 

*Food Studies 30

No pre-requisite required. Offered on rotation. 

Students continue to prepare nutritional food in a safe, hands-on learning environment.  They continue to acquire practical kitchen skills and increase their knowledge of cooking, baking and preparing a wide variety of food. More opportunity to develop independence and resourcefulness is gained and they learn advanced skills to prepare food in order to further advance their option to select healthy choices for personal and family well-being.  This develop self-reliance and skills that are needed for life.

Foundations of Mathematics 30

Pre-requisite: Foundations of Mathematics 20

Learners will examine three main topics in eight units of study. Each will require use and understanding of both formulaic/algebraic work and calculator work.  Units include Investing Money, Borrowing Money, Set Theory & Logic, Counting Methods, Probability, Polynomial Functions, Exponential & Logarithmic Functions, and Sinusoidal Functions.

History 30: Canadian Studies

Pre-requisite: History 10

Canadian history is full of remarkable people, riveting events, appalling abuses of human rights, and unifying moments. From the origins of the First Nations, to New France and the Seven Years War, to Confederation and the development of the Constitution, students will explore the people and events that have shaped Canada to what it is today. Students will better understand and fully appreciate our country’s rich history.

History 31

Pre-requisite: History 10 or History 11

History 31 is the modified History 30 course. History 31 is intended for students who are unable to complete regular History 30. Modified courses shall only be approved in consultation with the student support teacher and administration as specific criteria must be met for this type of programming. Modified course content is delivered inclusively within the regular history classroom.   

Law 30

Pre-requisite: student must be in grade 12

Learners will explore the Canadian legal system, from the early roots in British common law to the modern Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They will examine how, and why, Canada’s legal system developed. As part of this exploration, learners will develop a clear understanding and appreciation for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, not only knowing their rights as Canadians but why these rights are so significant. Criminal law is a major area of focus in Law 30. Learners will examine what makes a crime a crime, what is needed to convict someone of a crime, and how criminal court cases are tried in Canada. Throughout this, we will look at a number of current and historical legal cases to help us better understand the foundations of Canadian criminal law and civil law.


Music 30

Offered on rotation. No pre-requisite required; however past participation in Choral 10/20 and/or Band 9/10 are strongly recommended for students who select the 30-level credit.

Music 20 provides students with opportunities to perform, improvise, compose, research and
experience music through one or more learning contexts or approaches (e.g., contemporary music,
guitar, First Nations drumming and singing, small instrumental and vocal ensembles, world music,
Métis music, creative technologies). In Music 20, students apply, with guidance, techniques (i.e.,
instrumental, vocal or creative technologies) and knowledge of the elements of music to solo and/or
ensemble performances. Through participation in one or more music contexts (e.g., garage band,
Métis fiddle group, techno DJ collaboration, acapella quartet), students create and perform, applying
increased levels of music theory and cultural or performance practices. Students consider how
personal preference impacts critical analysis, examine the diverse music of Saskatchewan First
Nations and Métis peoples as well as music from different eras, genres and styles through listening,
researching and performing within the selected music context. Students critique their own music and
formulate a plan for growth and ongoing participation in music.

*Physical Education 30

No pre-requisite required. 2 year rotation. $25 fee applies to course- ex: Yara Center, tennis courts, swimming, spin, transportation.

In PE 30, students will continue to develop their understanding of physical literacy. Through a leadership role, students will explore opportunities to support lifelong physical activity. They will investigate the effects of body management activities on the well-being of self and community, examine how nutritional choices and psychological factors can impact participation in physical activities, and will engage in service learning and explore topics of personal interest relevant to PE 30.  This class will focus on the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle. This program includes similar activities from the PE 20 course, but students will be directed toward a higher level of skill acquisition and knowledge with the activities being covered.

*Physics 30

Pre-requisite: Physical Science 20. 2 Year rotation.

Physics 30 is a comprehensive introduction to foundational concepts in Physics. Learners will study how and why objects move in both straight and circular paths. They will work through some of the great conservation laws, analyze collisions between objects and work with electric and magnetic fields. Learners will enter the era of Modern Physics and introduce the fields of Quantum Mechanics, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity.

Practical & Applied Arts A30 - Construction, Electrical, Robotics

No pre-requisite required

This is a survey class and students will complete modules relating to construction, electrical, and robotics.
Construction will expose students to the processes and skills needed to construct a typical residential dwelling as well as explore some of the many skilled trades careers associated with residential construction. Robotics focus on the design, construction, operation, and use of autonomous and/or radio-controlled robotic devices, as well as the computer systems necessary for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. Students will explore the processes and skills needed to design and fabricate physical devices that they will control or automate. Electrical will help students to construct knowledge and develop skills used in the electrical and electronics industries and to become familiar with relevant career opportunities. Areas of Focus may include electrical principles and components; wiring, measuring and troubleshooting circuits and components; construction drawings and schematic diagrams; residential wiring and lighting; commercial and industrial wiring; electronic components; digital and analog concepts; and tool use, safety and environmental considerations.

*Practical & Applied Arts B30 – Outdoor Education

Pre-requisite: student must be in grade 11 or 12. Offered on rotation. Approx. $200 fee applies to course but dependant on number of students enrolled. 

Students will learn skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will prepare them for challenging, outdoor experiences. The students will use the outdoors as a classroom and incorporate many skills to live an active and healthy lifestyle.  Note that space is limited in this class with priority given first to students in grade 12.

Pre-Calculus 30

Pre-requisite: Pre-calculus 30

Pre-Calculus 30 focuses primarily on graphs of various functions and guides the learner in determining the characteristics of each graph by looking at the equation. Each chapter will explore different types of graphs, study how the graph can be transformed by changing the numbers and solving equations of that type. Topics in this course include graphing functions such as polynomial, radical, trigonometric, logarithm, exponential and rational functions. The course will also dive into dome advanced trigonometry including unit circles, secondary trig ratios, and identities.

*Psychology 30

Pre-requisite: student must be in grade 11 or 12. 2 Year rotation

This course that aims to develop students' understanding and appreciation for psychology as a field of scientific knowledge, and to give students a frame of reference for understanding themselves, others, and social relationships. The 30-level course focuses on human development. Developmental psychology is the field of psychology that focuses on human development across the life span. Students will learn about human growth and changes in behaviour associated with age, including the various stages of development from conception.

*Visual Art 30

No pre-requisite required. Offered on rotation. 

Whether it’s a music video, an ad for some new shoes or a logo on your shirt, art is all around us.  In this class we will explore visual art in Canada and around the world.  We will also look at technology in art and art for social change.  This class will include perspective drawing, photography and acrylic painting.  Students of all abilities are welcome in this class.  “Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” - Pablo Picasso

Workplace & Apprenticeship Mathematics 30

Pre-requisite: Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 20. Offered as needed basis.

The Workplace & Apprenticeship Mathematics pathway focuses on the application of math concepts and skills to real-world contexts, enabling learners to make connections between school math and the workplace. This course and pathway may be suitable for students who plan to enter a trade, pursue post-secondary studies at a college, or enter the workforce directly after graduation from high school. Topics include: logical reasoning, measurements, sine and cosine law, geometry, small business, linear relations, measures of central tendency, percentiles, and probability.

Volunteerism 30

No prerequisite required; this credit can be earned over one semester or over multiple years between grades 10 to 12.

This elective credit is offered to students for community service activities that may take place in a variety of settings, including businesses, not-for-profit organizations, public sector institutions (including hospitals and long-term care facilities), and informal settings. Students complete a volunteerism plan using the Volunteerism 30 Plan template and submit it to the school administrator for approval. Upon approval of the plan, students complete and document the volunteer hour requirements using the Volunteerism Student Log. They must provide evidence of volunteerism and a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer work. A final mark record of Standing Grant (SG) will be awarded for the successful completion of the Volunteerism credit. The mark of SG will appear on the student’s official transcripts.

Graduation Requirements
** As at May 2024. For 2024/2025 Grade 11 and 12 Students
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Graduation Requirements
** As at May 2024- For 2024/2025 Grade 10 Students
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