The Office School Donations and Sponsorship
From Launch to Legacy

From Launch to Legacy


Pray with us for our students, families, and staff in 2024-25.

Celebrate 30 years of Cornerstone's impact by attending various events at CCS.

Partner financially by becoming a monthly donor to help us secure year after year consistency.

From Launch to Legacy

Capital Fundraising Campaign 


Cornerstone was built by parents and board members who, with deep and courageous faith, sacrificed time, energy, and resources as we embarked on a 20-year, 1.3 million dollar mortgage. This school year, we are wrapping up our 30th year of operation, vital to our history is a roster of teachers who have dedicated their careers to the mission of Christian education. Many of us started teaching at CCS and we would have it no other way but to finish here. It is amazing to see our alumni land all over the world - including back in the classrooms of CCS!

However, with increasing costs in all areas, we are facing unprecedented challenges . . . While, as an associate school, we receive 80% funding of the provincial per student grant, that dollar amount has minimally changed since 2011. When pressed on funding issues, our government suggested that we simply increase tuition. Since our inception, we have always felt God’s calling to implement a tuition model that makes all reasonable efforts to ensure a family’s financial situation would not be a barrier to receiving Christian education. For 30 years, this policy has been foundational for who we are as a school and we have prayed earnestly and sense God’s direction that this should not change.

The time is now to rally for the future. With your help, we can secure Cornerstone's presence and impact in our community. This campaign, From Launch to Legacy, is asking 300 people to donate a minimum of $30 per month to secure at least $324,000 over the next 3 years to close the gap in funding and ensure families can access Christian education in our city.

Would you be 1 of 300 people to give $30.00/month and help secure the legacy of Cornerstone Christian School in Moose Jaw?

To make this easy for you, we will be using the Canada Helps organization to collect and receipt donations (all donations are 100% receiptable). To set up your monthly donation, please click HERE.

You may be able to donate $30/month or $60/month or even more. You may also know of people who you can invite into this partnership. We ask you to prayerfully but boldly consider partnering with us.

For more info, contact us today at



From Launch to Legacy Info Packet
From Launch to Legacy Info Packet
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