Student Life Athletics
All School


The staff and students at CCS take great pride in our Falcon Athletics.  We offer a full spectrum of activities for all students from grade 6-12.  The year starts with golf, cross-country, football, soccer and volleyball.  Just before Christmas break  basketball and curling get started and these sports run until spring when badminton and track take over to finish out the year. 

In the 20 years that CCS has offered high school athletics we have won 4 provincial basketball titles and numerous city championships in volleyball, badminton and track + field! We have seen a number of our athletes go  onto post-secondary athletic endeavors.   CCS strives to provide coaches that are not only passionate about their sport but also have a passion to instill solid moral character within their players. 

Breakdown of Athletics at CCS


A and B Teams-  Are for those students in grades 6 -8. Depending on numbers of participants, grade 5 students will occasionally be invited to play on our B teams.  

Junior Teams-  Are for those students in grades 9 and 10, that compete in the MJHSAA (Moose Jaw High Schools Athletic Association) Junior League.

Junior Varsity Teams-  Are typically for smaller schools that can not fill both a junior team and a senior team so they will have a team made up of students from grades 9-12.  Our JV teams compete in the MJHSAA Junior Varsity League.

Senior Teams-  Are for those students in grade 11 and 12.  Our senior teams compete in the MJHSAA Senior League.

School sports seasons are as follows:

Fall (Sept-Nov) – Volleyball, Elementary Cross Country Running, **Golf, *Football, *Soccer 

Winter (Dec- March)- Basketball, Curling

Spring (April/May)- Badminton, Track and Field

Late Spring (May/June)- Track and Field

 *through MJHSAA athletic co-op program

**based on demand